Tag Archives: united soybean board

day 121: baking away/ spring/ Easter Cinnabunnies (cinnamon rolls shaped like bunny rabbits!))





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    • Project: day 121: baking away/ spring/ Easter Cinnabunnies (cinnamon rolls shaped like bunny rabbits!))
  • Difficulty rating (1=easiest, 5= way too hard!): 1
  • Would I do it again? yes! The girls absolutely loved these (I mean who wouldn’t want icing and sprinkles first thing in the morning?!)
  • What I would do differently: I’m sure the creative mind would think of doing all sorts of cute things with these (Megan, Aunt Cindy), but me, nada! 😉
  • Items used: cinnamon rolls, raisins, slivered almonds, icing, sprinkles, and adorable idea and recipe from: http://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/silly-cinnabunnies/a408bd86-a9b9-4915-aa9d-7a1ef5503cd1

Until ipinterest tomorrow!

Karie J 🙂